Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pages 14 & 15

(Next - pages 16, 17 & 18)

(Previous - pages 11, 12 & 13)

These are old, some of the first pages I drew. See, when I get an idea for a random scene I kinda have to draw it right away while it's fresh in my mind. In that case there are many MANY other scenes I should be working on, but, uh...I'm gonna wait till after the project deadline.

I PROMISE to do some actual work tomorrow :p

Also a word about printing. I've never scanned anything higher than 300dpi, but all the material I've read about printing comics suggests that you must scan your pages at 600dpi grayscale, Threshold them to black & white, then convert to 1200dpi grayscale and Threshold again. I'm REEEEALLY curious to find out if this works, because I'm sceptical. I hope it's not necessary - I really don't think my computer can handle 1200dpi say nothing of an InDesign document full of a couple dozen 1200dpi files... D:

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